Business Coach Get Results

Business Results for Life

It is hard to believe that another year is in the books and most are very happy to close the books on 2020! Over the years I have had the good fortune and privilege of advising and coaching many amazing clients who decided once and for all to make their companies work for them instead of them being consumed by their business. I congratulate every one of them who made the commitment and then followed through!

They all have one thing in common: Business results for life. You may be wondering just what this phrase means. This brief article will provide a quick overview of the concept. The expression, “Business results for life” captures the real sentiment of what we do for our clients and it can be interpreted in a couple of different ways, both of which are accurate.

First, it means that we help our clients live their lives in ways that are most fulfilling to them. When you view your business is a vehicle for taking you where you really want to go in life, it becomes easier to drive it, fuel it and maintain it. We help clients get the results that allow them to enjoy what really matters—life.

Second, it means that we help our clients build lasting value, the kind that endures for a lifetime. This is important whether you intend to sell your company, grow it into a major enterprise or hand it off to another generation. I’ve had the honor of working with a fourth-generation company that is now stronger than ever and I’ve experienced the sadness of talking with another, separate fourth-generation company that might not survive another year. The difference between the two boils down to commitment to getting results.

We view it as our mission to help every business achieve exciting new milestones and anniversaries. It’s what we do. Be sure you are getting Business results for life by scheduling your complimentary Discovery Session now.

Small Business Consultant


Lead your organization to peak performance with our solutions for:

  • Strategy and Direction-Setting
  • Maximizing Cash Flow
  • Time Management
  • 5-Factor Profit Building

Every organization gets stuck at some point and simply needs new tools or a fresh perspective to reestablish momentum and attain desired results. Leading Logic offers an array of programs to help.

  • Strategy and Direction-Setting
    As Jack Welch said, “Control your own destiny or someone else will.” The discipline of sitting down, evaluating the critical success factors for your business, and determining a high-level strategy and game plan for success can be overwhelming and is often neglected. Leading Logic’s approach to Strategic Planning provides a unique opportunity for your executive team–or just you–to take a careful look at your business and what it will take to achieve your goals.We guide you through the development of key strategies for success and building upon those strategies to create realistic plans with measurable and achievable goals. Your plan will delineate critical goals, implementation steps, and important metrics. Along the way, you’ll also inventory your key strengths, limitations, opportunities and threats your company may face and factor them into your plan.
  • Maximizing Cash Flow
    Our 5-session Cash Flow Maximization process reveals more than thirty  methods that your company can leverage to ease cash flow challenges and increase your peace of mind. Each session is led by a certified business coach and expert facilitator who works with you virtually–no travel needed.
  • Time Management
    Our 5-session Time Strategies development process takes you on a path to true goal accomplishment, personal satisfaction, and stress elimination. Each session is led by a certified business coach and expert facilitator who works with you virtually–no travel needed.
  • 5-Factor Profit-Building
    Our 5-session Profit-Building program helps you master the 5 Profitability Factors and learn how to maximize each to suit your customers and your company’s unique situation. Each session is led by a certified business coach and expert facilitator who works with you with virtually–no travel needed.

For a free business consultation or if you have any questions, call us at 410-698-6774 or send us an email.